
Make it easy for your tummy to drop pounds. Just pay attention to your breathing.

If you feel like you are prone to gaining belly fat, it may be that your “abdominal pressure (intra-abdominal pressure)” is decreasing. When the pressure inside the abdominal cavity (the space inside the abdomen that contains the internal organs such as the esophagus, small intestine, and large intestine) decreases, more force is exerted outward, causing…

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You’re less prone to gain weight eating cold rice!? To make dieting easier, doctors give you new common sense.

Certain well accepted health beliefs have been disproven, and are now regarded as “uncommon sense!” Here, we’ll provide fresh insights from Dr. Toshiro Ikeya to make dieting easier for you. Are the claims that “low-calorie drinks won’t make you fat” and “if you cool your rice (make it cold rice), you will not gain weight”…

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