Uncover Your Strengths: Key Qualities to Highlight with Confidence


If you are preparing to make a CV or introduce yourself but can’t think of any strengths, or if you want to know whether people will recognize what you think are your strengths, then check this out.

Can you immediately state your strengths?

When you draft your resume—the first step in the application process—or when you expect to be questioned, “What are your strengths? What shortcomings do you have?” Can you confidently and fluently list your talents before making an introduction at a group date or matchmaking event, or during an interview when you want to make a good impression and show who you really are?

You can find yourself fretting when you really consider your strengths and are at a loss for ideas, even if you don’t generally think about it. Some people may have poor self-esteem and believe that their strengths are insignificant in comparison to others’ strengths, even though they secretly believe that their kind and caring nature is their greatest quality. Some people are quiet and reserved, believing that they are incapable of expressing their kindness.

A woman writing a document

This time, we will introduce the “strengths of oneself” that were told to us by 30 men and women in their 20s to 60s. If you are currently struggling to find your strengths, or if you are worried about whether you will be embarrassed if you say that this is your special feature, please check out the information on how you became aware of your strengths and how you found your selling points .

  • Personality
  • Lifestyle
  • Appearance
  • Physical
  • skill

There are many strengths that a person has, such as not only personality but also communication skills that reflect their unique qualities and skills they have acquired through hard work, so this will help you discover your selling points.



First, let me introduce a pattern that has multiple advantages.

When you are suddenly asked, “What are your strengths?” You may not be able to think of anything right away, but if you calmly look back at yourself, you will find a surprising number of them.

As in the case introduced below, some people picked out multiple strengths. You don’t have to have just one strength. Try to find something that shines brightly and that you can be proud of and say, “This is my unique quality and strength!”

I have seven strengths!

・Treats everyone kindly
・Loves cooking and can make anything
・Confident in physical labor・
Very cheerful
・Easy to get along with・
Always has a smile on his face and can put people at ease
・Can get along with anyone and doesn’t ruin the atmosphere

I was always kind to my grandparents, with whom I lived, I discovered the joy of cooking at an early age, I loved working out, and I think that my strengths were naturally developed in my everyday life, so I’m grateful for the environment I was in.

I hadn’t thought about it myself, but when my colleagues at work (care facility) and family members told me about it, I realized the positive side of it. (Male, 26 years old)

Woman working

I have six strengths!

・Never gives up
・Strives for perfection so
that no one will look down on him ・Does what needs to be done, but makes a lot of noise when it’s time to relax
・Persuades and influences
others ・Can point out mistakes and assert his own opinion
・In a sense, is fearless

In my case, in addition to the good qualities I was born with, there are also aspects of myself that I have come to consider as strengths because they have been recognized and supported by those around me .

My way of doing things is to create my own weapons (strengths) from a third-person perspective based on the ideal I want to become. Some of the strengths I picked out were not ones I was born with, but were something I worked hard to build up later on. (25 years old/female)

I can sense your feelings

Another strength is their sensitivity, which allows them to react sensitively to the feelings of not only close people such as family, lovers, and friends, but also people at work or in groups, or even people who happen to be around them.

I respect people who can instantly sense what others are thinking and then respond appropriately, such as leaving them alone, offering encouragement, or providing support.

I have more empathy than others

They understand the feelings of weak people, have the ability to think and understand from the other person’s point of view, and are sensitive to the troubles of others. Another advantage is that they are deeply moved by music and art more than others.

While listening to people with similar concerns, I learned about the HSP (highly sensitive person) category, and when I took a diagnostic check, I realized that I too fit the description.

I am very sensitive and tend to pick up on other people’s feelings too strongly, so I used to feel self-conscious about my vulnerable side, but now I understand that it’s also a strength, and it’s given me more confidence. (32 years old/female)

Women talking

You can tell their true feelings from their facial expressions

When I’m talking to someone, I can sense their true feelings from their facial expressions and the way they speak, regardless of whether it’s someone I’ve met for the first time or whether they’re my superior. Also, even if something bad happens that makes me feel depressed, I can quickly recover and forget about it the next morning after sleeping on it. (29 years old/female)

It all comes down to intuition.

I realized my own strengths through my work in sales. When I was working in pairs with a senior colleague, he would often praise me, saying, “You have really good intuition,” as he was watching my interactions with customers up close. When I started to pay more attention to it, I realized that I was better at that than others and that it was a strength. (32 years old/female)

You can open up even on your first meeting

A shy person might not think that they would be able to instantly open up to anyone, whether it be someone they’ve known for a long time, who they ride in an elevator with, someone sitting next to them in the bathroom sink, someone they wait with at the bus stop, or someone sitting next to them on the train, but their ability to open up of their own accord is a strength that we should all emulate.

You can become friendly with the interviewer

My strengths are that I’m cheerful and energetic, and I can talk to anyone. Even if it’s my first time meeting someone, I can open up to them from the moment we meet, and we can become friends right away.

During my job search, I was able to have lively conversations with interviewers, and I have never been rejected during an interview.

I thought I had a calm and gloomy personality, but when I spoke to someone for the first time, they told me, “You’re cheerful and have a nice smile,” and “I can’t open up that much on a first meeting,” and I was reminded of my good points. (27 years old/female)

Able to steadily complete one task

Woman working

There are things in the world that we “have to do,” even if they are mundane and boring. If it’s work, you can’t just give up because it’s annoying and you get bored. Some people are not good at tackling the tasks one by one, while others are good at monotonous tasks.

I have perseverance

Although my weakness is that I get confused when I’m ordered to do a lot of things at once, I’m good at doing the same task over and over again, and I can proudly say that it’s my strength. I’m proud of my perseverance.

When I was in school, we had an awards ceremony for each student in the class. I received the “Award for completing what I was told without complaining” and my classmates were very impressed.

At the time, I thought, “Such an advantage is useless,” but after I started working, I learned the importance of “the skill of patiently repeating the same task.” (26 years old/female)

Where there is initiative

If you think, “I want to travel abroad,” it will remain just a wish unless you take some action, such as “deciding where to go > deciding on a budget > deciding how to get to your destination > arranging for a flight and hotel.”

A “talk all talk” type of person who never actually takes action and just says “I was thinking about doing it someday” or “I’ll do it someday” has the strength of being proactive, which is something we should all emulate.

If you think “I want to do it,” then take action.

My fundamental belief is that “you never know until you try,” so rather than asking “can I do it or not,” I think about “do I want to do it or not,” and if I decide that I want to do it, I take action immediately.

Using these strengths, I was able to carve out my own potential and have had many wonderful encounters, which is how I got to where I am today.

First, I analyzed myself to see what kind of person I am, and then, to find out how others see me, I asked about 100 people, “Tell me three good things about me,” and I found my strength, “ability to take action.” (29 years old/female)

I’m good at listening to people

If you talk nonchalantly about things that interest you without regard for what the other person thinks, or if you immediately start an argument and always deny the other person’s opinion, you cannot be called a good conversationalist, and you will not be able to relax even when talking to them.

However, being a good listener – nodding appropriately, gently expressing your opinion, and giving a sense of reassurance while listening carefully – is a strength that helps facilitate smooth communication.

Men and women having a conversation

Create an atmosphere where it’s easy to talk

I try to listen from a positive perspective rather than starting with a negative one, nod appropriately, and even if the other person’s opinion differs from my own, I use a gentle approach to deny it without causing any offense, so as not to upset the person who comes to me for advice.

I started paying attention to this when, while I was giving advice to someone, they told me that I was easy to talk to.

When I analyzed why people think I’m “easy to talk to,” I realized that I have my own unique way of listening and refuting , which makes the other person feel comfortable. (40 years old/male)

We can give you accurate advice

Because I listen carefully to what the other person has to say, I am good at giving constructive advice to people’s troubles and guiding them to a solution. In addition, because I have a gentle and kind personality, people often tell me that they feel at ease when talking to me.

A few years ago, I quit my job and started spending more time at home. My sister and father started telling me about their hardships and worries at work. They would tell me, “When I listen to you, I feel calmer and my heart is lighter.” That’s when I realized I had the strengths of being considerate to others and being a good listener. (Female, 32 years old)

Smile and make a good impression

Although we say “smile” in one word, there are many kinds such as “fake smile”, “smile”, “sneer”, “big smile”, etc., and the impression you give to others will change greatly depending on how you smile. A warm smile that puts others at ease and comforts them is definitely a “good point”.

Keep smiling

When I was working in the service industry, a customer pointed out my flaw , saying, “You’re a little unfriendly. You should smile more.” From the next day, I honestly made an effort to develop that strength.

It’s been more than 10 years since I started to be conscious of raising the corners of my mouth and smiling even when listening silently, and many people have complimented me by saying that I’m “easy to talk to” and that I have a nice smile. I’m grateful to the person who gave me that advice back then! (29 years old/female)

Smiling woman

Can provide a reassuring contact

When I interact with people, I generally try to smile and not judge them based on first impressions.

When I tried not to be overbearing, people started to praise me and say, “You’re reassuring,” and I began to see that as a positive thing. (Female)

Where there is cooperation

If you are a lone wolf type who has difficulty joining a group or conforming, you may have often had a message on your report card that said something like, “Try to be more cooperative.”

One of your strengths is being able to act independently without relying on anyone and without being afraid of being alone, but being able to cooperate with others is also a great strength.

I have never fought

Ever since I was in elementary school, my report cards always said that I was “cooperative and could get along with anyone.” Even though my environment changed as I grew up, I was able to live a smooth life without any worries about human relationships, both in my student life and after I became a working adult and started working at a company, thanks to the support of those who cheered me on.

When I was young, I went to Taiwan for sightseeing and was told by a fortune teller who was known for being the most accurate, “Your best quality is your good personality, which is not to fight with others.” I may have been influenced by this suggestion in a good way, but I am grateful that I can live a peaceful life. (62 years old / female)



Quite a hard worker

There are people who don’t give up when things get tough, but instead work hard to achieve results. I admire people who grit their teeth and continue to work hard towards their goals.

Anyway, I’ll do my best.

My strength is that I am a very hard worker. I do not only the things that need to be done in daily life, but also the things that are good to do, and I do not generally cut corners or compromise. Even if I am tired or sleepy, I can work hard for myself and those around me.

I realized I was a hard worker when I was in junior high school. Since I was from a single-parent household, I didn’t participate in club activities, which were expensive. Instead, in order to achieve my dream of becoming a nursery school teacher , I researched vocational schools and junior colleges rather than high schools, and then worked hard at studying, working backwards from there, thinking, “I’m going to this high school in order to go to this university.”

Even after I became a high school student, I worked part-time jobs while maintaining my grades within the top five in my grade for three years in order to receive a recommendation to university. I worked so hard that I was respected by those around me and made my dream come true. (27 years old/female)

A calm personality who rarely gets irritated

Calm woman on the grass

Although what irritates people varies from person to person, it is unsettling and difficult to respond to someone who yells or lashes out over small things. In that respect, a calm personality that allows you to control your emotions well is an advantage that gives people around you a sense of security.

I can always keep my cool

I don’t know if I have a higher boiling point or I’m just patient, but my best quality is that I rarely get irritated or complain, and I have a calm personality. Actually, maybe I don’t get irritated very often because I don’t interfere with other people’s lives.

I believe it’s important not to get emotional, especially in business situations, so even when I’m in a stressful situation and the people around me are getting irritated and complaining, I’m the only one who remains calm and collected as usual.

I thought I was normal, but when people around me praised me for being calm, I realized it was one of my strengths. (35 years old/female)

Plan and follow through to the end

Although you often get by by taking things as they come, you are also respected for your ability to make plans, carry them out, and achieve your goals.

Don’t put it off, get started right away

Being able to study or participate in club activities at school, or work at work, and finish things on schedule before anyone else. When I want to accomplish something, I often give up after three days, but I can see it through to the end.

From their summer vacation experiences, they learned the benefits of not putting things off and tackling them in a planned manner, and developed the habit of taking action.

When I received the scope of my summer vacation homework at school, I immediately made a plan by myself. Then, I worked hard from an early stage to get ahead of the plan, and I will never forget the sense of accomplishment I felt when I finished almost all of my summer vacation homework in about a week, and how I enjoyed my vacation without any worries. (24 years old/female)

Flexibility and honesty

Men and women having a fun conversation

If you have the humility and flexibility to listen to and incorporate the opinions of others with a desire to improve, rather than being trapped in your own thoughts, your horizons will broaden and your way of thinking will become more diverse.

How to find your strengths

My strengths are my flexibility and openness to learn from the ideas of many people and incorporate them into my own work. It is very difficult for me to accept opinions that contradict my own, so I am not perfect, but I try to keep this in mind in my daily life.

In my case, I find it difficult to notice my strengths unless I compare myself to others, so I started looking for things that could become my strengths from the perspective of “What do other people pay attention to when they spend their time?”

Also, I like listening to other people, so I approached it from that perspective and tried to “find my good points.” (Woman, 20s)

Where we keep trying until the end without giving up

Sometimes you may abandon something halfway through, coming to the realization that “this is good enough,” but if you give up even though you know that “it would be better to finish it,” you will end up regretting it.

I won’t abandon it midway.

Some of my work involves repeating monotonous tasks, but even if others get tired of it and give up midway, I will complete the game to the end. In my private life, I play baseball, which is my hobby, and even if we are losing by a large margin, I will not give up and will play with all my might until the end.

I was originally the type of person who would easily give up, but I thought, “I don’t want to lose to anyone in baseball, which I love,” so I decided to work hard at that alone until the end, and put it into practice. Before I knew it, I was also working tenaciously on things other than baseball , and that’s how I got to where I am today. (25 years old/Male)

Positive personality

All humans have worries and sometimes feel depressed or sad, but even if we are encouraged to be more positive, it is not so easy to change our mood. That is why being able to always see things in a positive light and maintain a positive mental state is one of the strengths we should emulate.

We will also share some personal stories of people who were placed in tough environments and inevitably became positive, even though they were not consciously trying to stay positive, so please use them as a reference!

Two positive women

Anyway, moving forward

My strength is that I can approach anything with a positive attitude. After my divorce, I just lived without looking back. As a single mother, I had a mission to raise two children, so I had no choice but to live each day to the fullest, and so I naturally acquired a positive mindset. Other people say that I’m cheerful and powerful.

Until now, I had no time to think about my strengths, and it was only recently that I realized this. Now that my children are independent, I truly feel that “my strength is that I am always positive.”

Life was so tough that I couldn’t stop , so I had no choice but to move forward, and I think that in the end, I was able to overcome it thanks to my strength of not worrying. (60 years old/female)

Always have fun

My strengths are that no matter what people say to me or scold me, I can switch to a positive mindset, never make a face, complain or talk badly at work or in my personal life, and can spend time with friends and family with a smile and having fun.

I realized my strengths when my friends and family praised me for never complaining or badmouthing others. I don’t want to be talked about behind my back, so I try not to associate with people at work who like to talk negatively. (22 years old/female)

Finding opportunities in challenges

Even when difficult or sad things happen, I never get depressed in my daily life because I believe that “there is opportunity in trials” and “there is a way to look at things.”

When I was in high school, I was in the track and field club and the relay team members for the upcoming tournament were announced. My friend and I were not selected , and my friend was disappointed and lost the motivation to practice. However, I took it as a warning that my practice up until then had not been enough, and I thought about how I should work hard for the next opportunity.

I learned that different people perceive the same event differently , and I realized that being positive is a good thing. (Male, 24 years old)

Calm and positive

Anyway, my positive personality is my strength. From what I can analyze myself, I am not just cheerful and say baseless positive words like “Life will work out somehow”, but at my core I am always calm and think positively about things.

Maybe it’s because of the positive atmosphere, but people often smile when they talk to me and ask me for directions. (34 years old/female)

I can see difficult things in a positive way

Even when something unpleasant happens, I can always think and act positively. I am also good at finding a positive outlook even when something is painful or unpleasant, so I can continue doing things that are not fun.

I thought I was normal, but after I started working , I started studying hard at an online university, and when I graduated, my wife told me, “I respect how positive you are,” and that’s when I started to realize my strengths. (35 years old/male)

Resume and pen

Weaknesses can be seen as strengths

It is difficult to reach out to people with whom you have a very bad compatibility, but your strengths are that you try to look at bad situations in a positive way and see even the bright side of things .

About 10 years ago, when I was looking for a new job and creating my resume, I thought seriously about my strengths and weaknesses and realized something. At that time, a lecturer at a job-hunting seminar told me that “weaknesses can also be strengths,” and since then, I have made an effort to see weaknesses as strengths. (40 years old/female)

A place where you can smile without straining yourself

Smiling when interacting with people brightens up the atmosphere around you. Smiling is not only effective when you are showing hospitality in the customer service industry, but also when you are working smoothly with your coworkers. Being able to smile naturally is an advantage that makes you appear attractive to others.

Her smile is her charm point

When I was working part-time in customer service, I realized how important a smile is. Just a little smile makes customers feel good and they smile back at you.

If you are a customer, you will feel good when you are served by a smiling store clerk, but if you are treated rudely, the words “thank you” will not be enough.

Since I started to try to smile at work and in my private life, I have made more friends, and as many people have complimented me on how nice I am, I have become able to smile more naturally. (23 years old/female)

Strong will and flexibility

If you have decided to do something, your strong will to see it through and not give in easily no matter what anyone says may sometimes make you seem “stubborn,” and you yourself may find yourself getting stuck.

However, if you also have the flexibility to consider and adopt a more flexible way of thinking, you will be blessed with the benefits of greater peace of mind and increased efficiency.

A place where you can rest and achieve your goals

My strength is my strong will to see things through to the end. Even if I encounter difficulties or feel like giving up along the way, I have the ability to take control of myself while resting my body and mind, and move in a positive direction.

They never give up, and they also have the flexibility to take a break without pushing themselves when they feel tired.

I was studying at a correspondence university, but studying alone was more difficult than I thought. I felt so lonely that I wanted to give up many times, and I actually took a year off.

However, thanks to the rest, I felt the strength to try my best again, and although it took me 10 years, I was able to graduate. I realized that “Even if things get tough, if I give myself a proper rest, I have the strength to see it through to the end, and that’s one of my strengths .” (Male, 32 years old)



A place where organization is good

Neatly organized documents

Being able to do general housework such as cooking, cleaning, and laundry is also a great advantage. People who can keep their surroundings clean and create a comfortable living environment are things they want to acquire, regardless of gender!

I am a meticulous person.

I can find what I need when I need it. There is no need to worry about documents and data being in disarray in my room or at work. Documents from over 10 years ago are not bent or torn, and remain in the same good condition as when they were first created.

I thought that just being meticulous was not a strong point , but when my boss at work was having trouble finding old documents, I immediately helped him find them, and when I gave the paper bags that were arranged in size order in the cabinet to customers to put their documents in, my coworkers were pleased and said, ” They look like Doraemon’s pockets,” and I felt happy that it was one of my strengths. (40 years old/female)

Where things are done carefully

People who can act quickly based on intuition are suited to tasks where speed is key, but sometimes their speed can be a disadvantage and they can make mistakes, resulting in significant losses of time and money.

In this regard, cautious people who carefully think out the course of action before taking action may be so slow that they make those around them worry, wondering if everything is okay, but because they proceed with things checking each other repeatedly, they can also achieve good results in the end, which is an advantage for them as they support speedy people.

A place to make sure you are prepared

As the saying goes, “Cross the bridge only when you’ve checked it,” my strength is that I prepare and act carefully. Sometimes it takes me longer to act than others, but I feel that this is fine, both at work and in my real life.

I often lead a group of about 10 people when I work, and because I check the steps many times before starting the work, I can complete the work efficiently without making any mistakes. When I receive words of gratitude from my colleagues, I think, “This personality trait is a good thing. I’ll treasure it.” (Male, 66 years old)

She has a cute face and good taste

Preferences in appearance vary from person to person—some people like wide eyes, while others prefer long, narrow, cool-looking single-lidded eyes—but some people see their appearance as a positive thing, giving themselves a high self-evaluation, saying things like, “I’m beautiful,” “I have a good figure,” or “I’m handsome and cool.”

Cute woman choosing clothes

Also, if you are trying to become a celebrity or earn a living by gaining fans on social media such as Instagram, attractive looks and fashion sense are important points, and they can also be a great advantage in that they will help you feel more confident.

A cute face is an advantage

My strengths are that I have a cute face and a good fashion sense. I’m sure I’d be called self-conscious if I said it publicly, but people often tell me this (especially women), so now I think, “I’m definitely cute and stylish.” (26 years old/female)

Where you look young

There are several things that can make you appear younger than your actual age, such as your face, body shape, voice, and clothing coordination, but some people may feel strong insecurities about it.

However, when you take a positive approach to being seen as young, and accept it as an advantage, a new world will open up to you.

Quite a youthful appearance

When I was in my 30s, when I tried to buy a can of chuhai at a convenience store, they suspected I was underage and refused, saying, “We can’t sell it to you.”

When walking around town at night, police would call out to me, asking, “You’re an elementary school student, right?” or “You’re a middle school student, right?” and acquaintances would treat me like a pet, saying, “How cute,” which bothered me.

However, as I get older, I’ve come to accept that my youthful appearance is an advantage because if I can just master how to avoid sarcasm and mistakes, I can be loved by many people. (36 years old/male)

Always calm and collected

When trouble strikes and others are panicking, the ability to remain calm and assess the situation and respond appropriately is a useful strength in both work and home life.

Deal calmly with the unexpected

Because I prepare myself mentally based on the negative outcomes, I can calmly respond even when things don’t go as planned or when I encounter unexpected situations. I always prepare myself to lead to a positive outcome by simulating the situation in my head so that I can handle emergencies smoothly and without panicking.

I think that being able to remain calm is a strength that I can demonstrate, especially when something happens that my superiors or bosses cannot handle. (50 years old/female)

The fact that they don’t show their likes or dislikes

People having a meeting

It’s not surprising that there are people we get along with, people we don’t get along with, people we like, and people we don’t like, but in such an environment, it is surprisingly difficult to maintain equality without showing personal feelings such as likes and dislikes in the form of favoritism.

Able to find others’ strengths

My strengths are that I can be friendly and smile towards both people I like and people I don’t like, and I have the personality to find the good in others and convey that to them in words as much as possible.

I used to be troubled by my indecisiveness and inability to say no. But after I experienced failure in society and calmly reflected on myself, I began to see my strengths. (28 years old/female)

Advantages can be created and increased

Sometimes, things like your innate personality or appearance can be your strengths without you having to put in any effort, and sometimes the things you have worked hard at in your studies, work, or life can end up becoming strengths that benefit you and others.

If you just can’t figure out what your strengths are, I recommend trying the following “ways to find your strengths.”

  • Someone told me about it
  • I made the improvements that were pointed out to me.
  • I observed others and looked for things I could put into practice.
  • I looked for areas I could improve in my areas of expertise.
  • I looked at the complex
  • My efforts have become my strength
  • I readily accepted the praise I received from others

May you discover not just one, but many advantages.

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