Beneficial when dieting! Comparing the spikes in blood sugar caused by typical meal menus


People with diabetes are not the only ones who need to be mindful of their blood sugar levels. People on diets can also find it easier to stick to a diet that doesn’t raise their blood sugar levels .

It is important to be mindful of calories, but it is also important to take into account the rise in blood sugar levels in your diet to prevent obesity.



Which foods are more likely to raise blood sugar levels? Food choices that make dieting easier



The risk of gaining weight varies based on the sort of food you eat, even if you consume the same amount of calories, as obesity is caused by an increase in blood sugar levels in addition to calorie consumption. Foods that cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels are a big enemy when it comes to dieting. A sudden rise in blood sugar levels after a meal promotes the secretion of insulin, which leads to the accumulation of body fat . Choosing a meal menu that does not cause a sudden rise in blood sugar levels can make
dieting easier .

Seven examples comparing blood sugar rises with common meal menus

Katsu curry vs. chicken curry

Chicken curry causes blood sugar levels to rise more rapidly. Although you want to avoid pork cutlets (tonkatsu) while dieting, pork cutlet curry is the recommended menu item when it comes to how blood sugar levels rise.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise…  Pork cutlet curry
vs. chicken curry



Pork cutlet curry

Cutlets tend to increase the number of times you chew them
, and curry is very easy to eat, but it is one of the dishes you should be careful about as it tends to make you eat quickly. Because cutlets tend to increase the number of times you chew them, they are useful for preventing you from eating quickly, and they also help prevent a sudden rise in blood sugar levels.



Soba vs Udon

Udon is easily digested and absorbed, and can cause a rapid rise in blood sugar levels . Compared to other noodles, udon is easily digested and absorbed, so it can easily raise blood sugar levels. It is a good idea to
top it with foods that are high in dietary fiber . Examples of toppings that are rich in dietary fiber include spinach and wakame seaweed.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise …
〇Soba  ☓ Udon


Tanuki Udon vs. Kitsune Udon

: Comparing the same udon, ” Kitsune Udon ” raises blood sugar levels more than ” Tanuki Udon “. The rise in blood sugar levels also varies depending on the ingredients. Sweetly boiled fried tofu is more likely to raise blood sugar levels rapidly than the tempura flakes
in “Tanuki Udon” .

Kakiage vs. Shrimp Tempura

Kakiage tends to have a lot of batter, so it is more likely to raise blood sugar levels than shrimp tempura. If the amount of batter is large, not only will it increase blood sugar levels, but it will also increase the amount of oil you consume , so you need to be careful if you are on a diet.
If you are eating out, you should be especially careful, as many dishes have thick batters.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise…
〇 Shrimp tempura
☓ Kakiage

Shrimp tempura soba

Vegetables tend to increase in calories when
deep-fried. Although there is an image that “vegetables are healthy,” when deep-frying, not only does the batter absorb the oil, but the vegetables themselves also tend to absorb the oil. You should be careful when deep-frying vegetables.
In particular, pumpkin and sweet potato have more carbohydrates than other ingredients and are more likely to raise blood sugar levels, so you need to be careful.

Neapolitan vs Carbonara

Carbonara uses ingredients with a lot of fat, such as cream, cheese, and bacon, so you might think it’s more likely to make you gain weight.
However, it’s Neapolitan that’s more likely to raise your blood sugar level. The tomato ketchup used in Neapolitan contains more carbohydrates, so it’s more likely to raise your blood sugar level.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise …
Carbonara  ☓ Neapolitan


Fats do not affect blood sugar levels
. Only carbohydrates raise blood sugar levels. Therefore, there are foods that are high in fat and calories but do not have a significant effect on blood sugar levels.
There are also low-calorie food menus that require caution in terms of blood sugar levels, and vice versa. When it comes to pasta, carbonara and oily pastas are recommended in terms of blood sugar levels.

Okonomiyaki vs Takoyaki

Comparing okonomiyaki and takoyaki (one okonomiyaki vs. eight takoyaki), takoyaki is smaller in size, so the surface area is larger and the amount of oil consumed is greater.
Okonomiyaki is larger in size, so the proportion of ingredients such as cabbage can be increased and the proportion of batter can be reduced, so it can be said that okonomiyaki is less likely to raise blood sugar levels than takoyaki.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise …
Okonomiyaki   ☓ Takoyaki


Sauces also contain a lot of carbohydrates
Many people are concerned about the salt content of sauces and other condiments. However, when it comes to sauces, while you have to be careful about the salt content, they also contain a relatively high percentage of carbohydrates, so you should be careful not to consume too much. It is easier to
reduce your intake of condiments by dipping them in food rather than pouring them over your food. Also, ponzu sauce is recommended as it contains less carbohydrate than sauce .

Croquette vs. Minced meat cutlet

Comparing croquettes and minced cutlets, croquettes are more likely to raise blood sugar levels. The potatoes used in croquettes contain a lot of carbohydrates, so they tend to raise blood sugar levels.
Croquettes have a higher meat ratio (reduced potato ratio) and a smaller amount of batter (thin batter), so the carbohydrate intake can be relatively reduced.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise…
Minced meat cutlet
☓ Croquette

Minced meat cutlet

Be careful when eating croquettes with rice!
The combination of croquettes and rice is a combination of foods that contain a lot of carbohydrates, so it is easy for your blood sugar level to rise.

Doria vs Gratin

White sauce contains a lot of carbohydrates, so when combined with rice or macaroni, it can be said that either combination is likely to raise blood sugar levels.
However, when comparing doria and gratin, the proportion of vegetables and other ingredients tends to be higher in gratin than in doria , so it can be said that gratin is less likely to raise blood sugar levels.

Comparing how blood sugar levels rise…
〇 Gratin
☓ Doria


Gratin and doria made with meat sauce helps prevent blood sugar levels from rising.Comparing
white sauce to meat sauce, meat sauce helps reduce the amount of carbohydrates consumed.

Here are some tips to keep your blood sugar levels from rising!

By incorporating small tricks such as choosing ingredients and seasonings, and how to coat fried foods, you can reduce your carbohydrate intake and suppress the rise in blood sugar levels.
If you try to reduce your carbohydrate intake by restricting your diet too much, such as by saying “you can’t eat rice” or “potatoes are NG,” it is not good for your health and it is difficult to continue for a long time.

The comparison of blood sugar rises of common foods introduced here was based on the book ” How to Avoid Diabetes Even If You’re Lazy: Which Food Doesn’t Raise Blood Sugar?
“. Although we have only introduced a small part of it here, there are many other books that compare how likely common dishes are to raise blood sugar levels, such as “Which is less likely to raise blood sugar levels: Miso ramen or soy sauce ramen? “, and also introduce tips on how to prevent blood sugar rises.

It is dangerous to restrict carbohydrate intake too much!

In the past, diets that restrict consumption of carbohydrates have gained attention as a way to stop blood sugar levels from rising. But watch out since diets that drastically cut down on carbohydrates often contain a lot of fat. It is well recognized that diets heavy in fat raise the risk of coronary heart disease.

It is crucial to eat good food and diet without forcing yourself, while taking into consideration the rise in blood sugar levels and calorie consumption, as opposed to avoiding or severely restricting meals that include carbohydrates.

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